Power Up Your Projects: EECBG funding for Building Energy Improvements

The Clean Energy District of Iowa (CEDI) network is hosting an event next month to introduce potential applicants (see below for eligibility) to their Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. Interested parties can attend either the morning session on March 7th or an evening session on March 11th. The program provides technical assistance services to eligible applicants to analyze, strategize, and implement clean energy projects. Please reach out to kdavis@claytoncountyia.gov for the registration link.

The webinar will cover…

  • How to access funding for assessing and designing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
  • How CEDI can connect applicants with technical assistance to improve building performance and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including potential project funding options.
  • How to utilize tools to best measure and manage the energy performance of buildings.
  • Case study discussion of a current participant’s journey.

EECBG funds can be used for….

  • Eligible applicants: city government, county government, school districts, and low-income multi-family housing properties in Clayton County.
  • Project types: Technical assistance can support the analysis, strategy, and implementation of renewable energy systems, energy efficiency upgrades, and overall project components intending to improve building energy performance for new construction or retrofits.