2024 CCED Accomplishments

The Clayton County Energy District spent 2024 working toward a more resilient, prosperous, and sustainable future for our community. By addressing the millions of dollars in energy costs leaving the local economy, we’re turning wealth extraction into wealth retention, all while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We are proud of our progress and excited to continue our inclusive mission into the new year. Our boots on the ground implementation have resulted in many amazing accomplishments in 2024. Some of these include…

  • Hired a full-time Energy District Coordinator to facilitate advocacy and outreach efforts in the community (see “CCED Coordinator Hired in Conservation Partnership” post for more details).
  • Provided expert guidance and assistance to non-taxable entities applying for Inflation Reduction Act direct payment funds (see “Community Impact: Energy Technical Assistance at RISE Ltd.” post).
  • Expanded access to the Rural Energy for America Program grants with the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa addition of local coaching staff (see “REAP Grants Awarded in Clayton County” post).
  • Earlier this year the CCED facilitated a grant application for the City of Guttenberg worth nearly $190,000 for much needed efficiency upgrades to their flood pump house.
  • By promoting EV infrastructure, the CCED expanded charging opportunities from 1 public charger to 12 across the county, including several grant-funded installs in area communities. The county also contains two DC fast chargers located at Brown’s Dealerships.
  • Notable events this year included a free air source heat pump workshop for area contractors, covering all aspects of marketing and installing the technology, and a Clean Energy Forum for local leaders to learn about energy district work and partnership across three counties. (See “2024 NEIA Clean Energy Forum” and “Air Source Heat Pump Contractor Workshop Held in Waukon” post for more details).

Even with these accomplishments, there is still work to be done! Rising energy costs continue to impact us all, particularly our neighbors on fixed incomes who may face tough choices between covering energy bills and other essential needs. That’s why we’re starting out 2025 by raising funds to expand energy coaching and auditing services, directly reducing energy burden in low-income households. We want to thank all of our supporters for their continued efforts and look forward to continuing the equitable clean energy transition into next year!