Toolkit: Protecting Solar Prosperity with Net Metering
ALERT: The REAL Coalition, an apparent utility backed shadow group, is fighting dirty by dumping tons of dark money into the ad market by running a huge propaganda campaign on all fronts— TV, social media & letter writing.This is designed to create animosity between solar and non-solar owners and divide Iowans against each other. DON’T BE FOOLED. Non-solar owners are NOT paying for solar owner costs.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: contact your legislators, ensure everyone you know does the same, defeat these bills, and show the utilities we stand united for locally-owned solar energy jobs, prosperity, and stewardship!
Net Energy Metering (NEM, also known simply as net metering) is the single most important policy enabling every Iowa home, farm, business, and institution to own solar on fair terms.
House File 669 and Senate File 583 are bills introduced in the 2019 Iowa legislature to overturn this critical policy, after, in 2017 the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) upheld net metering as a fair shake for ALL Iowans and utilities.
Oppose the Sunshine Tax
Talking Points and Other Resources
Winneshiek Energy District has developed a detailed set of “15 Solar Prosperity and Net Metering Talking Points“.
A recent op-ed on Iowa’s Solar Energy Prosperity Opportunity in the March issue of the Iowa Association of Counties magazine (pp 20-21) also covers this issue.
The Iowa Environmental Council’s fact sheet page also includes a wealth of information. Scroll down to “solar fact sheets” on that page, and most relevant items are the Sunshine Tax Talking Points and the Solar Energy Fact Sheet.
For a quicker approach, use this “Solar Prosperity Letter Template” you are free to use, revise, and share.
Or copy this template letter content here:
Letter Template - Feel Free to copy & customize