Energy Burden = annual utility bills ÷ annual income
An energy burden rate above 6% is considered high
CCED Program Manager, Joleen Jansen encourages local constituents and solar benefiting business owners to reach out to our state representatives...
Last year, the Clayton County Energy District received funds from the Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation to go toward 5 new...
All of the Clayton County Energy District videos are in one place on YouTube… This includes valuable information for clean...
On Saturday, April 17th, the Dubuque County Energy District hosted an Eggs for Energy Breakfast virtual event. This event featured...
Over the summer of 2020, Summer Intern Jake Jansen worked to collect data and quantify the solar of Clayton County....
On February 25, 2021, State Auditor Rob Sand released a financial impacts review of public entity solar energy installations. The...
Thanks to a poll completed by Iowa Business for Clean Energy, 660 Iowa voters gave evidence to a positive outlook...
Join us for our March Virtual Lunch & Learn on Wednesday, March 24th at noon, where we will host 100%...
We’re celebrating our LED transition!
Since 2017, the CCED has locally purchased 10,000 LEDs and distributed them to Clayton County light sockets.
When we spend less on our light bills, we have more to spend in our community.
Now, that’s something to celebrate!
By putting boots on the ground in Clayton County:
We positively affect the local economy by reducing energy costs.
We slow climate change by promoting wise energy use.
We include everyone.