

Help us reach our goal!

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Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$15,000Raised $7,100 towards the $15,000 target.$7,100Raised $7,100 towards the $15,000 target.47%

Energy Burden = annual utility bills ÷ annual income

An energy burden rate above 6% is considered high

Clayton County Energy Burden Facts & Analysis


Recapping Our Positive Impact & A Look Forward

Despite the pandemic, we were able to bring a positive impact to Clayton County over the past year. Our recap...

5th Grade LED Curriculum and Light Bulb Delivery Impacts 95 Students!

This January, the Clayton County Energy District (CCED), using community and economic development grant funds from the Allamakee Clayton Electric...

CCED in Action over the Holidays!

CCED in Action over the Holidays!

This past 2020 holiday season, the Clayton County Energy District continued to gain positive traction toward our clean energy goals....

100% Iowa Hosting Clean Power Hour Networking Series

100% Iowa is a project of the Iowa Environmental Council that brings together and empowers Iowans to advocate 100% clean...

January Virtual Lunch & Learn – Recapping our Positive Impact & a Look Forward

Our first Virtual Lunch & Learn of 2021 will be held  Wednesday, January 27th at noon! Join as we discuss...

CCED Effort will bring EV Charing Stations to Five Clayton County Communities in 2021!

*This story was reprinted with the permission of Clayton County Register- North Iowa Times Editor, Audrey Posten. Electric vehicle (EV)...

#GivingTuesday Coming Up!

#GivingTuesday is coming up on Tuesday, December 1st! Each day up until next Tuesday, we will be featuring an important...

Time for the Switch & Collect!

In Clayton County, during the year’s 2018 and 2019, nearly 800 pounds of holiday lights were collected and properly recycled!...

We’re celebrating our LED transition!

Since 2017, the CCED has locally purchased 10,000 LEDs and distributed them to Clayton County light sockets.

When we spend less on our light bills, we have more to spend in our community.

Now, that’s something to celebrate! 

We are

The Clayton County Energy District

The nonprofit Clayton County Energy District (CCED) strengthens our community by leading, implementing, and accelerating the INCLUSIVE & LOCAL  transition to clean energy use.

By putting boots on the ground in Clayton County:

We positively affect the local economy by reducing energy costs.

We slow climate change by promoting wise energy use.

We include everyone.

our vision

Main Street with text

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