

Help us reach our goal!

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Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$15,000Raised $7,100 towards the $15,000 target.$7,100Raised $7,100 towards the $15,000 target.47%

Energy Burden = annual utility bills ÷ annual income

An energy burden rate above 6% is considered high

Clayton County Energy Burden Facts & Analysis


$1,000 ACEC Grant Awarded to go towards LED Education

$1,000 ACEC Grant Awarded to go towards LED Education

The Clayton County Energy District received $1,000 in grant funds from Dairyland Power Cooperative and Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative! Thanks to...

August Virtual Lunch & Learn: Special Project Update

Join CCED Intern’s Jake Jansen and Alyssa Corkery as they go over updates for their special summer projects. Jansen has...

Keep homes from a “tidal wave” of shutoffs! #NoShutOffs

As COVID-19 remains an unprecedented issue, we only want to help in any way we can (and any way we...

Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque Interviews Chair Jim Osterhaus

The Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque will be talking with our CCED Chair, Jim Osterhaus for their Rural Resilience Series...

July Virtual Lunch & Learn: Community Solar for Community Partners!

Watch the recording of this session Any and all community decision makers are invited to attend an online Lunch and...

Thank you Rep. Finkenauer for supporting the Moving Forward Act

Thank you Rep. Finkenauer for supporting the Moving Forward Act

A Letter to the Editor – by Joleen Jansen I am pleased  Representative Abby Finkenauer is supporting the Moving Forward...

Community Solar Opportunity for ACEC Members!

Community Solar Opportunity for ACEC Members!

The Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative is offering the opportunity for a community solar project. ACEC SunSource offers Cooperative members the opportunity...

New Donations Platform for Positive Fundraising Opportunities

The Clayton County Energy District announces GiveLively.org as the new donations platform for fundraising efforts. This is a service committed...

We’re celebrating our LED transition!

Since 2017, the CCED has locally purchased 10,000 LEDs and distributed them to Clayton County light sockets.

When we spend less on our light bills, we have more to spend in our community.

Now, that’s something to celebrate! 

We are

The Clayton County Energy District

The nonprofit Clayton County Energy District (CCED) strengthens our community by leading, implementing, and accelerating the INCLUSIVE & LOCAL  transition to clean energy use.

By putting boots on the ground in Clayton County:

We positively affect the local economy by reducing energy costs.

We slow climate change by promoting wise energy use.

We include everyone.

our vision

Main Street with text

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