

Help us reach our goal!

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Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$15,000Raised $2,850 towards the $15,000 target.$2,850Raised $2,850 towards the $15,000 target.19%

Energy Burden = annual utility bills ÷ annual income

An energy burden rate above 6% is considered high

Clayton County Energy Burden Facts & Analysis


Let’s hear and learn from our Local Rural Electric Cooperative- Join us for REC Q&A

Allamakee Clayton Electric Cooperative team members Hollee McCormick, Executive VP & General Manager, and Ryan Wagner, Member Services Manager, will...

FREE Electrification 101 Course

FREE Electrification 101 Course

Free from our friends at REWIRING AMERICA Why Electrify is an interactive, 90-minute online session designed with electrification beginners and...

$$ Energy Districts’ Clean Energy Technical Assistance just got SERIOUS!

On October 12, 2023, the Department of Energy announced that the City of Decorah, in partnership with the Clean Energy Districts of...

Go On, Go Solar! in Guttenberg

Guttenberg Residents: Join us in Guttenberg Tuesday,  July 18th on the top floor of the Municipal Building to learn all...

August Lunch & Learn: SOO Green HVDC Link

Thursday, August 3 | Noon 12PM CT | Virtual (Zoom) Join us virtually for our August Lunch & Learn on...

We’re celebrating our LED transition!

We’re celebrating our LED transition!

Since 2017, the CCED has locally purchased 10,000 LEDs and distributed them to Clayton County light sockets. When we spend...

The best AC is actually a heat pump – from Rewiring America

The best AC is actually a heat pump – from Rewiring America

*An email article from our friends at Rewiring America Heat pumps are the heroes of summer  We talk about heat...

Your Community and Your Energy District – Guttenberg

Your Community and Your Energy District – Guttenberg

*photo credit: City of Guttenberg, Iowa Facebook page In our series “Your Community and Your Energy District,” we highlight our partnerships...

We’re celebrating our LED transition!

Since 2017, the CCED has locally purchased 10,000 LEDs and distributed them to Clayton County light sockets.

When we spend less on our light bills, we have more to spend in our community.

Now, that’s something to celebrate! 

We are

The Clayton County Energy District

The nonprofit Clayton County Energy District (CCED) strengthens our community by leading, implementing, and accelerating the INCLUSIVE & LOCAL  transition to clean energy use.

By putting boots on the ground in Clayton County:

We positively affect the local economy by reducing energy costs.

We slow climate change by promoting wise energy use.

We include everyone.

our vision

Main Street with text

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