Energy Burden = annual utility bills ÷ annual income
An energy burden rate above 6% is considered high
Our May 4th, 2018, Solar Energy for Non-Taxable Entities…Let’s Get Started Workshop was a real success. We had nearly 80...
Last night, April 30th, SF 2311 as amended by the House, passed the Iowa Senate. The Governor has 3 days...
Thanks to Farm Energy Planner, Joel Zook, TSP the crowd at the recent Farm Energy Breakfast learned how simple energy...
It is not too late to sign up for a FREE home energy assessment. The Green Iowa Americorp (GIA) team, a...
Because, widespread use of LED lighting has the greatest potential impact on energy savings, since September 2017 the Clayton County...
The Clayton County Energy District will hold its quarterly, “around the county” Clean Energy Breakfast, on Friday, March 23rd at The...
Energy Efficiency killing bill – omnibus energy bill SF2311 could be debated this coming week. SF 2311 makes many changes,...
SSB 3093/HSB 595 Action Alert Clayton County Energy District encourages all Iowans to immediately call your legislators (NEIA , and statewide ) and...
We’re celebrating our LED transition!
Since 2017, the CCED has locally purchased 10,000 LEDs and distributed them to Clayton County light sockets.
When we spend less on our light bills, we have more to spend in our community.
Now, that’s something to celebrate!
By putting boots on the ground in Clayton County:
We positively affect the local economy by reducing energy costs.
We slow climate change by promoting wise energy use.
We include everyone.