$1,000 ACEC Grant Awarded to go towards LED Education

The Clayton County Energy District received $1,000 in grant funds from Dairyland Power Cooperative and Allamakee-Clayton Electric Cooperative! Thanks to this award, the CCED will be able to administer a Clayton County School Energy Efficiency Education Program. This project will include an education package aimed toward 5th grade students in the county.

A full energy efficiency and LED education lesson will be developed virtually and will be given to all 5th grade teachers in the county as a teaching resource/toolkit for their students. These lessons will teach the importance of switching from incandescent light bulbs to energy efficient LEDs. Students will learn about carbon footprints and how much a little change can make a big difference, how these efforts can keep dollars in the community and why it’s important, and some technology behind the LED bulb.

Along with the lesson, an LED swap will be taking place. 700 bulbs (100 bulbs to each district), will be provided. This swap will encourage students to take energy-hogging incandescent bulbs from their homes, bring them to the school to be properly collected and recycled by the CCED, and collect several new LED bulbs to put back in their homes to begin saving energy, money, and to reduce carbon emissions directly.

Creating this LED education lesson for 5th grade students in the Clayton County community ensures we are reaching all ages and continuing our mission of leading the local, clean energy transition, creating economic wealth retention and climate stewardship. This lesson will be released in fall 2020.
