Free LED Delivery Program a Major Success!
In the beginning of June, the Clayton County Energy District began taking sign ups for our Free LED Delivery Program. In an effort to keep our 5,000 LED bulb initiative running, especially during the pandemic, Project Specialist Jacob Jansen, came up with this solution. Clayton County residents simply signed up online or via phone with their address. Those residents will receive up to 8 bulbs right on their front doorstep, all for free! All LED bulbs are able to be purchased in huge thanks to funds received by the Upper Mississippi Gaming Corporation.
Since the announcement, we have had an overwhelming response and reached our 375 household max! Each household will receive their 8 LED bulbs and are recommended to leave up to 8 incandescents outside of their home to swap. The CCED will properly recycle these inefficient bulbs. Eight bulbs per home at 375 households means 3,000 LED bulbs delivered total!! Due to this amazing response, we are no longer accepting requests for the program but we are hoping to offer it in the future to reach those who were unable to enroll at this time!
The CCED currently has a goal of putting 5,000 LED’s into the light sockets of Clayton County. Before this program, we were at 1,500. After all deliveries are completed, we will be extremely close to our ultimate goal! With this iniative, the county can save roughly $417,500 over the next 13 years and realize a 4,200 metric ton reduction of carbon emissions!
How is this possible??
Here is the math:
1 9 Watt LED (60W equivalent incandescent) lasts 13.6 years & Costs $14.69 to operate (lifetime)
The cost to run a 60W incandescent (non-energy efficient ) bulb for 13.6 years = $98.19
The difference = $83.50 savings for lifetime of the LED bulb
5,000 LED’s x $83.50 savings = $417,500 savings for Clayton County over 13.6 years!
A simple switch like this can make a HUGE impact and can save yourself, and the local economy, money and energy!
Jake will be conducting 60 deliveries a week, in hopes to deliver all LED bulbs to everyone who signed up by the end of July! Residents will be contacted the day prior to the delivery with further information. Stay caught up on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages to see the progress!