The End of Net Metering?
Breaking News Update October 7, 2016
The “Breaking News Update July 21” below explains the modest revisions to the net metering tariffs ordered by the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB). The order if implemented in letter and spirit would continue net metering largely as we know it for another three years in Iowa. This is a major accomplishment after nearly three years of docket testimony in which the utilities moved to end net metering as we know it, and an important sign of unity throughout Iowa’s government in support of an accelerated clean energy transition and customer and community inclusion.
The Investor-Owned Utilities (Alliant/IPL and MidAmerican) have now submitted their revised net metering tariffs (they now call them Net Billing) to the Board, which has docketed them separately and invited public comments. MidAmerican’s proposed net billing tariff closely follows the letter and spirit of the Board order, while Alliant/IPL’s proposed net billing tariff in our opinion does not, and would seriously undermine solar opportunities for their customers.
Winneshiek Energy District will be submitting comments in the Alliant/IPL docket by the deadline of October 21, and we are now calling for all stakeholders to to submit comments on Alliant’s proposed net billing tariff. We offer a page of suggested talking points for Alliant/IPL docket TF-2016-0321, and encourage stakeholders to make the message their own. (Scroll all the way to the bottom of this page for directions on comment submission, but remember to replace the previous docket number NOI-2014-0001 with TF-2016-0321)
Alliant/IPL Net Billing Docket TF-2016-0321, Alliant/IPL’s net billing tariff proposal and the cover/interpretive letter to Alliant/IPL’s proposed tariff
Reply comments by Office of Consumer Advocate, “Environmental Advocates”, and Luther College
IUB order docketing the tariff for further investigation and setting dates for public comment
MidAmerican Net Billing Docket TF-2016-0323, and MidAmerican’s net billing tariff proposal
Reply comments by Office of Consumer Advocate, “Environmental Advocates”, and Luther College
IUB order docketing the tariff for further investigation and setting dates for public comment