Luther College Solar Array Ribbon Cutting
Community leaders and decision makers are invited to attend
Solar Energy For Non-taxable Entities…Let’s Get Started
Workshop & Vendor Fair
Friday May 4th | Keystone AEA, 1400 N. 2nd St, Elkader
Paying less for energy = more for your mission = better for the community = better for the world
The workshop will explore the financial and environmental benefits of solar power for non-taxable entities(NTEs) and various strategies for how and why NTEs can afford and should consider, a solar energy system, including the use of public infrastructure funds, endowments and the use of power purchase agreements (PPAs).
A PPA allows a non-taxable entity to “go solar” without investing funds, and to indirectly benefit from the tax credits. Outright ownership also carries benefits, and with low prices it is increasingly considered by NTEs.
The workshop will include Iowa solar success case studies and presentations covering going solar technical and financial considerations.
This FREE workshop will host 100 seats and includes lunch.
We have invited most NTEs in Northeast Iowa
Register Here
Important: Come When You Can & Feel Free to Leave When You Must
Workshop Schedule
8:30 Vendor Fair & Networking Social9:30 Welcome
9:40 Solar Energy 101 for NTE
10:00 City of Cresco’s Story – City Councilperson, Amy Bouska
10:30 break
10:45 The Luther College Story – PPA Investor, Larry Grimstad
11:15 Lessons for Iowa Schools – Jon Muller, Iowa School Finance Information Services & Norm Atwood
12:00 Lunch/Vendor Fair
1:00 Reduce before you Produce/EE & Electric Transport & Iowa’s $21 million Volkswagen Settlement Fund
1:20 Iowa Interfaith Power and Light, Iowa church case studies Sarah Paulos, Program Coordinator
2:00 Solar Developer/PPA Vendor TED Talks
Will solar work for us?
These cost saving solar power strategies will be useful and appropriate for any size and scale NTE in northeast Iowa. No operation is too big or too small to consider and benefit from solar energy.
Thank You Solar Developer Gold Sponsors!