Tell our state to prioritize Iowa’s Solar Credit System!

- Solar owned by farms, businesses, households, and institutions keeps wealth in local hands and communities, creating the prosperity that will grow continuously, for generations to come.
This opportunity is threatened by the oversubscription or the almost 3-year waiting list and the pending expiration of Iowa’s solar tax credit in 2022. This pending expiration is despite the federal extension.
HF221 has truly bipartisan support to 1) decouple Iowa’s credit from the federal and continue it 2) pay down the 2-year waitlist 3) raise the annual capacity to meet demand and create even more locally-owned clean energy prosperity.
Ask your legislator to not only support, but to PRIORITIZE HF221, to work with their Ways and Means Colleagues to ensure the bill moves, and is passed, ASAP (if it supports the Governor’s Iowa Energy Plan, she’ll sign it)!
A sample letter is provided here, thanks to the Iowa Environmental Council. We recommend you add to also PRIORITIZE this bill.
Feel free to call these folks and let them know your thoughts also, pass on the word:
State Senator Mike Kimesh
Legislative Email:
Home Email:
Cell Phone: 563.380.4224
Capitol Phone: 515.281.3371
Occupation: Management/Small Business Owner
State Representative Mike Bergan
Legislative Email:
Cell Phone: 563.380.3974
Capitol Phone: 515.281.3221
Occupation: Accountant
State Representative Anne Osmundson
Legislative Email:
Home Address: 11663 Bell Rd, Volga, IA 52077
Cell Phone: 563.880.8227
Occupation: Small Business Owner