Can you make a local difference on #GivingTuesdayNow

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End Date

 #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of unity to take place on May 5, 2020, as a response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
Like so many non profit for good 🙂 organizations the Clayton County Energy District’s (CCED) mission has been negatively impacted. Since March, we have not been able to host several in person educational events like: a countywide 5th grade LED education & swap program, a solar and jazz night in St. Olaf, a Clayton County weather trends event, a community solar education event for municipal utilities. In addition, our planned solar and electric vehicle fairs have been postponed and finally, but importantly, our energy auditing program is on hold.  

Our mission, “to strengthen community by inclusively leading, implementing and accelerating the clean energy transition” is rooted in equity.  Our commitment to include everyone, electrify everything and decarbonize electricity is never lost. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, here are some examples of the equity efforts we are working on, while we stay safe at home:


  • Advocacy for utility disconnect moratoriums – signed a sign on letter for federal legislators including Rep Finkenauer and Senators Grassley and Ernst
  • Ongoing education campaign teaching access to Low Income Housing Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for vulnerable households
  • Continue to take in sign ups for First Step Home Energy Efficiency audits
  • Participated in discussions at the state level considering a state appropriation for vulnerable Iowa rate payer’s utility debt assistance affected by Covid 19 job loss
  • Formed the LED’s To You Delivery & Swap program– 3500 LED’s to be distributed before Aug 1st to Clayton County households
  • Encouraging carbon footprint calculations for households and congregations
  • Sharing energy efficiency habits to reduce energy costs
  • To save 31,000 Iowa clean energy sector jobs, we are advocating for the full retention of the state and federal production and investment tax credits, the  lifting of electric vehicle tax credit caps, extend and modify critical energy efficiency household and commercial tax credits 

Despite the pandemic and the resulting impaired CCED grassroots organizing and implementation efforts, our important mission must be carried out.
On #GivingTuesdayNow 5/5/2020 we have a goal to raise $3600. We are specifically looking to sign 20 Sustaining Members at $15/month. 

Sustaining members put CONSTANT boots on the ground here in Clayton County! And it is easy to become a sustaining member! simply:  Click “Donate” below, enter the amount you wish to donate, ensure you select “make this a monthly donation” Click “Donate with PayPal”


Important: If you prefer to help us execute our mission with a one time donation feel free to help with the same process or send a check to:

Clayton County Energy District

PO Box 211

Edgewood, IA 52042

To all of our generous donors thank you!!!  You are directly responsible for the ongoing Green meets Green success, which is strengthening our communities, at the intersection of clean energy prosperity and climate stewardship. 

Please consider helping us with our goal on #GivingTuesdayNow! And never forget SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIPS ARE THE BEST BECAUSE THEY HELP US THE MOST!!



The CCED Board of Directors
Jim Osterhaus, Randy Lenth, Ken Zichal, Elaine Funke, Tom Klingman, Ron Kaiser, and Fran Zichal