Energy Action Opp: Preserve Solar Tax Credits!
Congress is deep into the year-end spending bill and negotiations within and between House and Senate leaders currently include potential clean energy tax incentives. Tax credits are not ideal policy but they are the best chance for a positive clean energy and climate stewardship policy in Congress this year.
Please call/email today as decisions are being made daily!
Encourage Senator Grassley and Representative Finkenauer to actively support:
- Extending the 30 percent Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for solar, wind, and other clean energy technologies an additional five years. Making it refundable/transferable would enable lower-income households as well as non-taxable entities to participate in the locally-owned clean energy transition.
- Expanding the ITC to include batteries and other electricity storage systems, and ensure they are also accessible to every Iowan and Iowa business, farm, organization, and institution.
- Doubling sales cap on the electric vehicle incentive (which GM and TESLA have already reached), and/or establishing a simple population-pegged cap by state to more fairly distribute the benefits of EVs nationwide.
These and other clean energy tax credits support business, create jobs, and support clean energy prosperity in every community and county in Iowa. They also promote climate stewardship by accelerating the clean energy transition. Iowans and Americans universally support clean energy policies, and these are relatively simple and low-cost actions our elected representatives can and should take as 2019 comes to a close.