Spreading the Clean & Local Energy Message at the 165th Annual Clayton County Fair
The Clayton County Energy District Staff and Board Members covered different shifts, spreading the word about clean and local energy and the mission of the CCED at the 165th Annual Clayton County Fair in National, Iowa. The success of this outreach was carried out by an LED bulb swap with the local community and 4H/FFA Members, beneficial one-on-one conversations with Clayton County residents regarding the support of solar, discussion of solar powered battery storage for off-grid energy, and the furthering of connections with our clean energy contractors network.
An LED bulb swap took place to continue the success of the 5,000 LED Bulb Initiative of the CCED. Each 4H and FFA member involved with the fair (approx. 350) received a coupon in their information packet. These coupons gave them the opportunity to come to the CCED table in the Civic Building to collect one free LED bulb, along with sign up for the chance to win a solar powered camping light. Members of the community were also reminded of the 4 for 4 swap taking place and encouraged to bring in incandescents via radio ads and social media. All together, 140 bulbs were distributed and swapped.
Attendees and staff of the Clayton County Fair also enjoyed the newly-lit class exhibit area, thanks to the high quality, low cost energy efficient light bulbs that were put in place of the previous incandescents. More LEDs were also donated to the Clayton County Fairgrounds to swap out as many of the incandescents as possible. The CCED also made the staff aware of the rebates available from Alliant Energy to continue this initiative.

Another successful factor of this outreach included the various one-one-one conversations with Clayton County residents about supporting solar. A table displaying the details and contact information for our clean energy contractors network brought attention and awareness of our mission to attendees. This brought up questions and the CCED members were eager to share their knowledge and the benefits of using energy from the sun. It was evident, many individuals are ready to begin with solar.

Thanks to Wulfekuhle Electric, LLC (Delhi), a 48 volt battery storage, off-grid system was provided to demonstrate the various examples of solar energy. This solar battery storage display featured a fan, LED lights, and a cell phone charging station to demonstrate the power of the sun!
Between the LED education, solar set up and solar contractor display, many conversations were brought up with interested attendees, promoting the overall benefits of going solar and keeping energy clean and local!
Joel Zook, the Energy Planner for the Winneshiek County Energy District, is also available for the Clayton County area. His contact information was given out during the Clayton County Fair. Joel is employed by the non-profit energy districts and is able to complete solar site evaluations. Be sure to contact him for your solar evaluation needs.
Joel Zook
Email: joel@energydistrict.org
Phone: 563.380.7137