Always Time to Sign Up for an Energy Assessment

2018 Green Iowa Americorp team at work in Clayton County
It is not too late to sign up for a FREE home energy assessment. The Green Iowa Americorp (GIA) team, a non-profit service organization based out of the UNI Center for Energy and Environmental Education has been doing their work all over Clayton County and will continue to do so throughout this year. The residential energy audits performed by the GIA are thorough and technical energy analysis. The Clayton County Energy District (CCED) is committed to providing free energy assessments for everyone. All assessments include a written report summarizing the work done,estimated cost savings, estimated carbon reduction, and a site-specific recommended action plan.

2017 GIA Impact in Clayton County
The thorough process has two components: an energy check-up followed by direct installation of simple energy efficiency measures. The energy check-up is led by a Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified service member and begins with a quick check of attic insulation and combustible appliance testing. The team checks for potential gas leaks and carbon monoxide around water heaters, furnaces, pipes, and other gas appliances. After confirming that the house is safe, the team sets up their blower door test to calculate how much cold air infiltrates the home. When homes are insufficiently sealed, the Green Iowa team works to identify and fix the leaks. The direct installation of window frame caulking, weather stripping, plugging holes, and other measures, makes the home more air-tight. Next, and for tremendous savings the GIA team installs LED lighting throughout the home.
Free Home efficiency or direct install materials and labor are available to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, veterans, and low-to-moderate income households. Non qualifying participants only pay for the cost of direct install materials and LED light bulbs. Typical out of pocket expense for non qualifying participants range from $15 to $150.
To schedule your free home energy checkup contact CCED Program Manager, Joleen Jansen, (563)880-7915, joleenj@energydistrict.org.
The CCED in a non profit organization committed to building community by facilitating a local,clean energy transformation. Donations to support the work of the Clayton County Energy District are welcome, needed and encouraged. Donations can be made online or sent to
Clayton County Energy District Treasurer, Elaine Funke.
PO Box 211| Edgewood, IA 52042