An LED Transition brings a bright boost to Moser’s Pharmacy & Elkader Floral
Two years ago, electric utility company, Alliant Energy completed a free energy assessment for the iconic Moser building located on the corner of Main & Cedar in downtown Elkader. At the time, building owners Jay and Kay Moser were made aware of the significant return on investment they could realize by conducting an LED lighting transition for the storefronts housing Moser’s Family Pharmacy and Elkader Floral.
Fast forward to the spring of 2017, when Clayton County Energy District (CCED) conducted an LED Lighting Workshop in which Alliant Energy spoke about their small business energy savings rebate program. In addition, the crowd learned about the significant efficiency increase in LED lighting use. LED bulbs are light emitting diodes and emit light at a much more narrow band of wavelength than incandescent and fluorescent lighting, resulting in much less energy consumption. According the the US Department of Energy commercial LED lighting is 75 x’s more efficient than incandescent. In addition, they produce brighter light and last 25 x’s as long as an incandescent bulb.
After the workshop, CCED Program Manager, Joleen Jansen paid a visit to Moser’s Pharmacy and a few other Clayton County businesses spreading the news of real savings available through investment in an LED lighting transition and connecting the retailers to the CCED’s contractor 2 way referral network.
Because so many of their existing fixtures were no longer working, for the Moser’s it was good timing to consider the LED transition project. They looked forward to the beneficial cosmetic affect, in addition to the projected energy savings. Two contractors from the CCED contractor referral network bid on the job.

Jay Moser and Marla Wulfekuhle stand in the bright LED transitioned Moser’s Pharmacy
During the project, the CCED facilitated the project completion by checking on the status of the progress with both Moser’s and the contract awardee, Wulfekuhle Electric.
Moser’s Transition by the Numbers:
Wulfekuhle Electric installed 132 LED Fixtures
[104 LED Recessed Light fixtures and 28 LED Linear Ambient Fixtures]
Total wattage reduction: 30,796wh (3796 Kwh)
Utility rebate: .50cents/watt reduced = $15,398 (from the rebate sheet)
Total project cost $24,480
Cost of power: .12/kilowatt price
Hours of light operation: 2900 hrs/yr
Monthly Savings:$904
Payback period or Return on Investment (ROI): 10.8 months
In less than a year the space housing Moser’s Pharmacy & Elkader Floral will have a
$10,848 annual savings on their power bill
Conclusion: The realization of this LED transition project’s huge savings will hopefully lead to investment in the local economy and the retention of dollars which otherwise would flow out of the local economy to far off utility investors. In addition, the well lit and attractive stores/showrooms will improve customers experience. The energy district is hoping projects like this will have a domino affect on Main streets throughout the county and more business for local electrical contractors.
By providing information and education about the benefits of LED transitions, connecting CCED network electrical contractors to potential clients and vice versa, as well as project monitoring and follow through, the Clayton County Energy District aims to serve as the conduit for completion of LED transitions. Energy Districts highly value reduced energy consumption because energy savings strengthen the local economy and help stem the negative effects of climate change.