CCED gives away a pile of LED bulbs at Shepherd of the Hills
Last week, on December 13th and 14th, the Clayton County Energy District conducted a special LED light bulb giveaway in conjunction with the annual Clayton County Shepherd of the Hills, Christmas Just 4 Kids Giveaway, in St. Olaf.
The CCED distributed 612 bulbs to 153 Clayton County families in need. Recipients were enlightened with the positive impact a LED transition can have on their energy bills. LED bulbs are 75 x’s more efficient, produce bright light and last 25 x’s as long as an incandescent bulb.
Participants were encouraged to immediately start saving by replacing the highest energy using light bulbs. Old light bulbs can be recycled. Individuals interested in recycling light bulbs should contact us.
Clayton County Energy District is deeply grateful to all of the donors of this project especially: Thrivent for their generous donation of $500 for the purchase of light bulbs, Norby’s Farm and Fleet, Elkader for their donation of 200 bulbs, Fisk Farm and home for extending a generous discount toward the purchase of the LED bulbs and Wilkie’s Grocery for the donation of plastic bags to package the LED bulbs.