Farm Energy Fair Registration Extended
Register now to attend next Tuesday’s Farm Energy Fair at the Northeast Iowa Community College Campus in Calmar, Iowa. Learn about technical and financial programs that can help you reduce your farm energy bill.
The Winneshiek Energy District and local partners invite you to attend the Farm Energy Fair
Tuesday, June 13th at Northeast Iowa Community College. Join for the whole day, or part of it:
- 9:30 Registration and Vendor Fair
- 10:15-12:00 Save before you spend: On-farm energy efficiency programs and financial incentives
- 12-1 Lunch and Vendor Fair
- 1-2:30 Generating your own power: Solar on the farm and the tax credits that can make it happen.
- 2:30-3:30 Vendor Fair
Throughout the Day: Connect with area businesses and agencies who can help get the project done.